Questions about the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project
In seeking to ensure more extensive understanding with respect to the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project,
we will accept questions regarding the project from the community at large and furnish our replies to those questions about twice a month.
We seek to address as many of your questions and concerns as possible,
and will make such content available on this website under respective categories.
We sometimes receive similar questions that have already been answered on our Q&A page, so please check the Q&A page before submitting your question. Please check below for questions received between October 29, 2024, and November 11, 2024, that have already been answered in the past.
For questions regarding press releases published by Mitsui Fudosan or Itochu Corporation, or for individual questions for each project developer, please contact the companies directly.
Please also check the records of Q&As from past briefing sessions.
・Press release describing the Q&As from the briefing session on further measures to preserve trees (held on September 28, 2024) (Japanese only)
・Press release describing the Q&As from briefing sessions for neighborhood residents (held on July 18, 19, and 20, 2023) (Japanese only)
Necessity of reconstruction
Would it be possible to renovate the baseball stadium and rugby facility at their current locations?
Were the facilities to be rebuilt at their same locations, it would not be possible to host professional and amateur sporting events for several years. As such, we have accordingly opted for rebuilding to be carried out in phases taking into account the impact on sports promotion particularly in regard to ensuring continuity of sporting events.
Please also refer to the briefing materials and video available on this website for additional details on prevailing challenges with respect to each of the facilities.
Website page for information on briefing sessions (Japanese only): https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/explanation/
English translation of the material of briefing sessions:
Also, was the seismic reinforcement work completed in the past insufficient?
As such, this project entails plans not only for upgrading the sports grounds and spectator seating, but also various other improvements that include barrier-free facilities and enhancements to pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows. Meanwhile, in accordance with laws and regulations, we will also update aspects of the facility that it had not been possible to address through the previously completed seismic reinforcement work.
What makes the Koshien facility different from Jingu Stadium?
Specifically, it will need elevators or escalators to be installed to make it barrier-free, but space in the current stadium is limited. Also, pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows are not separated, but the space around the circumference of the stadium is narrow, so it would not be practical to fix this issue through new work.
Please refer to the following materials for information on issues Jingu Stadium is currently facing.
Current Issues at Jingu Stadium (Japanese only):https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/240216_jingugaienmachidukuri-stadium.pdf
For further details, please refer to our explanation on reasons why it is not possible to rebuild and renovate Jingu Stadium at its current location as outlined in the Informational Video about the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project
and the explanatory video available on the Distribution of Explanatory Video and Receipt of Questions on the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project page on this website.
English translation of the material of briefing sessions:
Current status of Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium (deterioration of facilities and equipment, Japanese only): https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/230921_jingugaienmachidukuri-rugby.pdf
The notion of addressing these concerns has given rise to the need for planning facilities in a manner that takes into account certain considerations. This includes various facility-related requirements such that include securing rooms and concourse space necessary for carrying out sporting events, evaluating dimensions of spectator seating, and ensuring sightlines in terms of views from spectator seating. It also includes safety considerations such as those that involve ensuring smooth spectator flow. This redevelopment project enlists this phased rebuilding approach in order to make such improvements possible.
Facilities to be eliminated in the future
Whereas the project entails elimination of Jingu No. 2 Stadium, golf training facility, rubber baseball ground, batting cage facility, and futsal courts, are there any plans to set up areas for children and the general public to engage in sports and other recreational activities?
Please access this website page for details regarding distinctive characteristics of each facility.
The picture gallery front lawn area, which currently serves as the site of the rubber baseball ground available for use only by those playing baseball, will be developed into a plaza location accessible to everyone, thereby upholding the site’s original concept of serving as an accessible outer garden location.
As such, given the project’s limited space for facility development, three facilities (the golf training facility, rubber baseball ground, and batting practice area) will be eliminated, but the project will provide for new settings that include the New Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium (tentative name), the plaza in front of the picture gallery, Central Plaza, and indoor ballgame rooms planned for the lower floors of mixed-use building B. Under the plan, these facilities will be used as activity spaces to provide even wider access to the general public for not only baseball and soccer, but also for various other sports, exercise and recreational activities, depending on the occasion. Also, the indoor ballgame rooms will be designed for a wide range of uses including club activities, tournaments, and events that involve interacting with athletes. The specific operational approach and usage have not yet been decided, but will be discussed in the future.
The Japan Sport Council will, through the relocation and reconstruction of the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium, contribute to the formation of a world-class sports cluster as stated under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s high-level plan.
And the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project is not simply for large-scale sports facilities, environments and plaza spaces will be prepared where everyone can enjoy sports. Please also refer to this Q&A for more information on the planned facilities.
The redevelopment project involves plans to restore the plaza space to how it was when Jingu Gaien was first developed, but in a format and appearance suited to the contemporary times. As such, plans call for redeveloping the plaza in a manner that allows for unrestricted access to anyone who may visit Jingu Gaien, rather than fencing off the area, in order to uphold the site’s concept of serving as an accessible outer garden location.
Construction work
Specific details regarding construction contractors for each of the facilities are yet to be determined. In regard to construction vehicles, however, main entry and exit points are to be located on the east, west, and south sides of the redevelopment site taking into account conditions of the surrounding roadways. We anticipate direct entry and exit from the peripheral roadways. We will implement traffic management to prevent situations involving temporary clustering of construction vehicles. This will involve streamlining vehicle schedules to ensure smooth reception of vehicles and providing rigorous guidance to drivers in order to minimize waiting times and parking on roadways.
We have also conducted surveys, forecasts, and evaluations as part of our environmental impact assessment report with respect to noise, vibration and other such effects on the environment. Please refer to relevant pages of that report for further details.
Construction plan (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235702.pdf
When undertaking construction with respect to each of the facilities, we will assign top priority to safety in construction planning to minimize inconvenience to all concerned. We will also examine specific details with respect to each of the facilities and will furnish preliminary explanations to those located in the vicinity of the project prior to submission of building permit applications through forums such as construction briefing sessions held pursuant to ordinances for preventing conflicts related to medium- and high-rise buildings.
The redevelopment project enlists plans for connecting the basement of the office building with the underground passageway of Gaienmae Station on the Ginza Subway Line, thereby enabling access to ground level in the proximity of Aoyama 2-chome intersection via the underground passageway of the office building. The timeline for construction of the office building encompasses construction involving the underground passageway located within the office building. We will provide further explanation regarding the construction schedule to relevant parties during the construction phase.
Why is the temporary enclosure necessary?
* In the environmental impact assessment report, the excavation depth is described as around 2 meters. We plan to submit a notification of change to this plan, as we decided to extend the distance from the sidewalk curb of the gingko trees to the underground framework of the new baseball stadium by around 10.3 meters to approximately 18.3 meters, and the actual depth and location of excavation will be determined going forward as specific plan details of the new baseball stadium are considered.
The building piles are expected to be approximately 40 meters below ground level, but details, including construction of the base portion, are still under consideration.
Please refer to the following release (Japanese only):https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/jingugaienmachidukuri_news_2024102801.pdf
Additionally, regarding the transplantation and removal of a portion of the trees, after receiving approval based on Tokyo Scenic District Ordinance in February and September 2023 and October 2024, preparations for the transplantation and removal of trees with a height of 3.0 meters or taller started from October 28, 2024, and work is being carried out appropriately in accordance with procedures stipulated by laws and regulations.
Impact on the surrounding environment
Simulations and other investigations regarding the impact of wind with respect to the new baseball stadium plan suggest that effects of wind will not substantially hinder baseball play. Going forward, we will persist in considering approaches to creating comfortable spectator settings in conjunction with enhancing designs of the new baseball stadium plan. We will also continue to explore options with respect to climate change measures above and beyond those related to the new baseball stadium plan.
Moreover, given our awareness of the challenges posed by strong winds in the current redevelopment area, we will explore measures for improving the wind environment in conjunction with efforts to enhance the design.
We have also conducted surveys, forecasts, and evaluations regarding wind and sunlight as part of our environmental impact assessment report. Please refer to relevant pages of that report for further details.
Sunlight (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235713.pdf
Wind (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235715.pdf
We have presented details on the visual impact on the landscape in our environmental impact assessment report. Please refer to the relevant pages of that document in which we have included forecasts and evaluations that include views from distant locations. We will proceed with construction based on current plans, which have gained approval with respect to the project in terms of factors such as general plans for building layout and building volume. Meanwhile, we will proceed with design and other such considerations while factoring in visual impact on the surroundings given that building exteriors and other such considerations will be subject to review going forward. We have no virtual reality renderings or such documentation in that regard available to the public at this point in time, but we will take your opinions into consideration.
Visual impact (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235716.pdf
We also plan to develop settings for relaxation outside of the area slated for high-rise building construction. We intend to have the plans encompass creation of open spaces that will be widely available to the general public, such that include the Central Plaza and the plaza in front of the picture gallery.
The environmental impact assessment report was discussed several times by the Environmental Impact Assessment Council, which comprises approximately 20 members, including academic experts with technical expertise, and was submitted after incorporating opinions received during the discussions.
In addition, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Ward landscape councils, which also include academic experts among their members, are discussing the project in accordance with landscape ordinances, etc.
Although the new rugby facility building will be approximately 55 meters in height, it seems to me that the height of the structure is unlikely to be lower than that of the National Stadium given that the ground level of the new rugby facility is higher than that of the National Stadium. As such, how do you plan to minimize the sense of the building’s overwhelming presence?
Also, is the height of the new rugby facility building 46.15 meters as is stated in your other information?
Visual impact (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235716.pdf
As you pointed out, the ground level of the new rugby facility is higher than that of the of the National Stadium and the new rugby facility building height is approximately 55 meters, as stated in the project plan documentation and environmental impact assessment report released when construction was approved. We are reviewing the facility plans in part by conducting predictive evaluations carried out to minimize its sense of overwhelming presence through measures that include setting back sections of the wall surfaces.
Going forward, we will continue to place consideration on visual aesthetics and prospects for reducing the sense of overwhelming presence during the design and construction phases.
Also, the building height of 46.15 meters was a proposed height suggested by the private finance initiative (PFI) operator associated with the new rugby facility.
In September 2024, we furthermore announced that the height of the new rugby facility has been changed to approximately 48 meters. We will carry out the various procedures necessary in this regard going forward.
For information about noise from the new baseball stadium, please refer to this Q&A.
For information about noise during the construction period, please refer to this Q&A.
For details on noise during and after construction, please consult the environmental impact assessment report, where the noise is predicted and assessed, via the URL below. (Japanese only)
Certain self-imposed rules for organizers in terms of operating events are also implemented even at the current baseball stadium. This includes sound restrictions with respect to time of day as well as number and types of sound sources. It also includes specifications for maximum decibel levels at the uppermost tier of the baseball stadium. At the new baseball stadium, we will also continue implementing situation-specific noise reduction measures and consider ways of operating operational methods to achieve a comfortable spectating environment, taking into account the impact on the neighborhood. Moreover, concerted efforts will be made to ensure advance notification of events.
As for the matter of vibration, no such issues have arisen in the course of operating the current baseball stadium thus far. However, we will look into the matter of vibration and other such concerns pertaining to the new baseball stadium when drawing up detailed plans going forward.
Would you also provide comparative figures in terms of categories that include day and night, with and without events, and weekdays and weekends? Also, please explain measures to tackle congestion at Gaienmae Station.
Furthermore, on the basis of estimated number of employees and other such metrics, we have calculated traffic volumes, service levels, and other such estimates with respect to weekdays, weekends, and during events at various locations around the planned site, including peripheral roadways and pedestrian zones. Meanwhile, on a five-tiered rating scale, we seek to achieve the top “A” ranking across all locations on weekdays and weekends, and we seek to achieve an “A” or “B” rankings during events.
Additionally, in regard to increased congestion at the station accompanying the increase in population, we are cooperating with Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd. with respect to measures such as having more ticket gates installed and wider passageways at Gaienmae Station. The redevelopment project also includes plans for connecting the basement floors of the office buildings with the underground passageway leading to Gaienmae Station on the Ginza Subway Line, thereby enabling access to ground level in the proximity of Aoyama 2-chome intersection via this underground passageway.
We will take into account the increase in number of visitors throughout the development in the course of exploring options particularly with respect to plans for safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows in a manner that does not impose inconvenience on those accessing facilities and nearby residents.
Lighting is being considered, so we don’t plan to release drawings as of the present time, but when detailed consideration make progress, we will consider incorporating it into renderings, etc.
* The impact of the new baseball stadium lighting as an architectural structure, and its impact on the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees in terms of sunlight and scenery, specifically taking into account its height and color, etc., is being considered, as stated in the environmental impact assessment report.
Given that there will be changes, etc., in the shape of the new baseball stadium as indicated in the environmental impact assessment report, if this leads to any changes in the content of the forecast or assessment, a re-forecast and assessment will be conducted and notification of changes submitted to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Jingu Stadium
With the construction of a hotel in the area behind the backstop, the stadium will also be connected via pedestrian deck to a mixed-use building equipped with commercial space.
We estimate a seating capacity of approximately 32,000 people. However, that number may be subject adjustment upon further review going forward given that specifics of the new baseball stadium design are yet to be determined. We plan to reduce the number of seats in the outfield stands compared to the current baseball stadium. This decision is to be made upon reviewing plans for the entire baseball stadium while reducing the size of the outfield spectator stand zone taking into account factors such as shade and visual considerations.
We will address various challenges going forward, such that will include devising a structural layout that allows for rebuilding to be carried out in phases, ensuring barrier-free traffic flows, setting up spacious concourse areas and passageways, making the seats more comfortable than in the current baseball stadium but still ensuring a sufficient number of seats, and separating pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows, and setting the stadium apart from adjacent facilities and the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees. Meanwhile, we will also continue to review options to ensure plans for a facility that is appealing as a baseball stadium, particularly in terms of enabling visitors to enjoy a variety of spectator options through the introduction of new seating and different zones.
As rebuilding is to be carried out in phases, confirmed details will be announced at the appropriate phase.
I watched the promotional video on the new baseball stadium and it looked like the screen is facing outward. What are your considerations for the impact on the surrounding area and scenery? Are the architectural renderings of the facility sufficient?
Meanwhile, the architectural renderings currently posted to the project website and the new baseball stadium video released at Jingu Stadium serve only as conceptual illustrations of facilities upon completion. As such, they are subject to change accompanying detailed design updates going forward. In addition, we will consider the floodlight towers and screens, etc. to be installed going forward while taking into account the impact on the surrounding area and scenery.
However, we will proceed with review to ensure compliance with various standards that include barrier-free laws, barrier-free ordinances, and urban development ordinances with a focus on social welfare.
Also, how many pedestrian entrances and exits are planned for the new baseball stadium?
For information on pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows determined as of this point in time, please refer to “Futurebaseball stadium” on page 25 of the briefing materials available on this website and also refer to relevant segments of our explanatory video content.
Although specifics of the new baseball stadium are yet to be determined, we will review options in a manner that takes into account feedback with respect to plans for ensuring pedestrian safety, particularly in terms of specific plans for the location and number of gates, traffic flows from each stadium seat and evacuation routes. Meanwhile, the architectural renderings currently posted to the website and elsewhere and videos of the new baseball stadium shown at the current baseball stadium serve only as conceptual illustrations of facilities upon completion. As such, they may change along with design updates going forward.
Where is the bullpen likely to be located in the new baseball stadium?
Have you begun discussions or other communication with the Yakult baseball team?
Would you also provide details on the involvement of the Yakult baseball team in the new baseball stadium project?
Moreover, we plan to carry out the design process while continuing to engage in discussions with the Yakult baseball team.
Also, will the field have natural grass or artificial turf?
In addition, we will strive to develop a baseball stadium that enables fans to enjoy a comfortable and exciting spectator experience, which will involve turning to feedback we receive in the course of designing the new baseball stadium.
Please refer to this Q&A for details on the impact of wind in the plans for the new baseball stadium.
Also, even at the current baseball stadium, certain self-imposed rules for organizers in terms of operating events are established and organizers have implemented measures to reduce noise when hosting events. We will consider ways of operating the new baseball stadium to ensure as little change as possible to cheerleading activities, while also implementing noise reduction measures, taking into account the impact on the neighborhood.
Please refer to this Q&A for detail on noise levels attributable to the new baseball stadium.
Also, when student and professional baseball games are played on the same day, pre-game practice for professional baseball games is currently held at indoor practice fields or rubber baseball grounds, but where will pre-game practice take place under the new plan?
Please refer to this Q&A for details on the reason why an outdoor stadium is planned.
Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium
It will serve as an all-weather rugby stadium with a non-retractable roof, thereby making it possible to host other sports and various events.
Moreover, the stadium will feature a sports museum and other such facilities to convey the diverse value of sports by providing opportunities for sports-related learning and enjoyment.
In the course of considering development options, the Japan Rugby Football Union submitted a written request to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in September 2020. The request expressed the desire for development of an all-weather facility capable of being used for multiple purposes while maintaining its function as a rugby stadium, pursuant to guidelines for stadiums and arenas provided for by the Japan Sports Agency. In response to the request, the Japan Sports Agency held a meeting for stakeholders involved in promoting rugby at which a document titled “Basic Approach to Relocating and Developing the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium” was presented. Included in the document was the notion that an all-weather rugby facility is to be developed to serve as a comfortable facility for those who play, watch, support and gather for rugby, and that the facility is to serve as an all-weather rugby venue that can be comfortably used for other sports competitions and various events.JRFU has expressed its expectations that the transition to the all-weather facility could broaden the base of rugby, particularly through holding various tournaments and events.
The National Stadium currently continues to host matches that are estimated to attract several tens of thousands of spectators.
In adjusting the number of use days, priority will be assigned to adjustments made to the number of days allocated to rugby, which is to receive at least 60 days annually per discussions with bodies such as the Japan Rugby Football Union. Moreover, with respect to ensuring that the rugby facility is used for various other purposes on other days, such that include sports, cultural events, conventions, and business matching events, the PFI operator is to work toward improving the occupancy rate of the facility in part by actively engaging in effective public relations and promotional activities, and is also to provide facilities in a manner that ensures access that is seamlessly aligned with specific purposes of use.
* This schedule was current as of the public notice regarding project implementation approval issued on February 17, 2023.
We are currently reviewing design and other such considerations in regard to plans for the new rugby facility’s pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows. We accordingly seek to devise traffic flows that are functional and easy to understand for various people accessing the facility, including athletes, spectators, media representatives, operational personnel, and facility managers. Moreover, the plan is to take into account notions of safety assurance and universal design concepts, while also setting forth safe and mutually unobstructed traffic flows.
Also, what is the rationale for equipping the facility with seating for 15,000 spectators?
Is the seating capacity inadequate for hosting international matches?
Furthermore, even now the National Stadium hosts matches if crowds are expected to run into the tens of thousands.
We think the 20,000 seats in the initial PFI tender conditions mentioned in your question refers to “expectation of 20,000 seats” described in the “Development Policy” section of the Basic Plan for the New Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium (Tentative Name) released in June 2021. This outlines the basic policy (vision and concept) and fundamental approach regarding the facility development plan and management and operations regarding the rebuilding of the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium as part of the redevelopment of the Jingu Gaien District, so it does not constitute tender conditions.
Following this, when the tender for the New Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium (Tentative Name) Development and Operation Project opened in January 2022, the required operational standards formulated based on the above plan stipulated the number of seats as “15,422 or more” as a level that fulfilled requirements related to the development and operation of the facility, including necessary facility functions and the assurance of safety.
Our plan for the new rugby facility exceeds the requirement of 15,422 or more seats. For the reasons behind the seat number being roughly 15,000, please see the answer to this QA.
Please see the following link (Japanese only) for the basic policy and implementation policy.
The year that renewal work on each stand was completed is as follows.
Main Stand: 1976
South Stand: 1980
Back Stand and North Stand: 1988
* This number of years described here was current as of the time the question was asked.
Plaza and open space
Open space as a proportion of the site overall is calculated as area of the redevelopment official web site that is open to the general public, such as plazas, green space, pedestrian pathways, and other space that is integrated with such locations (such green space includes areas subject to restricted access for administrative reasons), against the area of the entire redevelopment official web site. Please note that the currently walled-off rubber baseball ground area is not included in open space because it is used on a reservation basis and as a temporary venue for events.
Under the redevelopment plan, we intend to expand space devoted to locations that enable unrestricted access, irrespective of facility use. Jingu Gaien currently has fences and barriers around each facility, which means that locations offering unrestricted passage and plaza spaces are limited. For instance, it is not possible to gain unrestricted access from the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees to Stadium Street. Subsequent to development, pathways enabling access in all directions (north, south, east, west) will be available, allowing for greater freedom of movement. This together with new plaza space centered on Central Plaza and a plaza in front of the picture gallery will result in the creation of a place where visitors are able to relax amidst different types of greenery.
Given that the redevelopment project entails the creation of more public space within Jingu Gaien accessible to many people, I think certain considerations are warranted in order to avoid potential conflicts regarding the matter of pets accompanying visitors to the location.
In addition to the plaza in front of the picture gallery, we are also likely to establish the Central Plaza as an open plaza space where the general public will be able to engage in a variety of activities such as exercising, relaxing, and strolling. Specifics in that regard in terms of design and operations are subject to review going forward.
Although not a plaza, the newly planned mixed-use building B along Stadium Street is subject to plans for development of an indoor ballgame facility and rooftop plaza, thereby helping to promote interaction in various sports such as futsal amid extensive use by athletes and the general public.
Moreover, for results of our review conducted with respect to options for preserving and transplanting the trees located in front of the picture gallery in alignment with the approach applied to other locations (number of trees to be preserved and transplanted, etc.), please access this website page.
We plan to preserve the large ginkgo tree located in the plaza in front of the picture gallery.
Also, what aspects of the current tennis court operations will be carried forward to the new tennis courts?
Moreover, we are reviewing options for enlisting management operations of the current tennis court facility as the foundation for the new tennis courts.
The cultural exchange facility, which will be open to use by all, will provide rest, exchange, and sports support. As a center for various activities, the plan is to utilize it as facility for cultivation that connects people together.
Mixed-use building A, mixed-use building B, and office building
Mixed-use building A: Office, shops, lobby, multi-purpose room, parking space, etc.
Mixed-use building B: Serviced apartments, indoor ballgame facility, parking space, etc.
Office building: Office, shops, lobby, parking space, etc.
Specific details on the proportion and uses are currently under consideration.
This urban redevelopment project enlists plans to fully leverage distinctive characteristics of the area around the project site. This will entail developing large plazas, improving disaster resiliency by having the location serve as a wide-area evacuation site, and upgrading sports facilities that have been subject to deterioration. We will also seek to limit capacities particularly with respect to the vicinity of the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees, the new baseball stadium and the new rugby facility from the perspective of preserving scenic views and landscapes overlooking the picture gallery, and from the perspective of creating spacious visual aesthetics in the vicinity of Central Plaza. We will plan projects that private sector companies can invest in by seeking to promote urban redevelopment in an integrated manner through the intensive use of land for offices, commercial space, hotels and other such establishments along Aoyama Street and Stadium Street.
For example, Mitsui Fudosan is establishing mixed-use building A, through which it will aim to generate revenue by renting a portion of land owned by Meiji Jingu and then advancing mixed-use development that includes high-rise buildings for offices, hotels, and other purposes. The capital for this endeavor will be paid to Meiji Jingu as rent which will supplement the revenue generated by Jingu Gaien.
While we accept that there may be concerns abouts high-rise buildings in relation to population decline and rising vacancy rates, we believe this development will be highly competitive as Mitsui Fudosan will leverage its expertise to create appealing facilities, including mixed-use building A, a high-rise building for offices and other purposes.
Itochu Corporation is planning to construct an office building that is larger than its current office building, but it will fund the redevelopment project to cover the added value it will gain.
This rent from Mitsui Fudosan and funding from Itochu Corporation and other developers will not only fund the rebuilding and renewal of Jingu Gaien District facilities, but also produce revenues beyond this, creating a cycle that will enable us to continue protecting Jingu Gaien’s greenery into the future.
* Under Japan’s urban planning guidelines, the notion of “intensive use of land” is defined as making efficient use of land. This involves ensuring that roads and other public facilities are maintained at or above a certain level and otherwise creating favorable urban environments by gaining access to available vacant land and ensuring a minimum prescribed site area.
I’m concerned about congestion at the station due to increase in commuters.
Also, what kind of companies do you expect to occupy offices in mixed-use building A?
Mitsui Fudosan, the project developer for mixed-use building A, issued a press release on July 5, 2024 reiterating the purpose of the redevelopment and details of the project scheme. Please refer to the release (Japanese only) for further details:
In terms of companies expected to occupy mixed-use building A, no specific policies on attracting tenants have been decided at this time. We hope that many companies will become tenants and we plan to release more information about mixed-use building A as the design process moves forward.
Framework of the redevelopment plan
Please access this website page for details regarding the steps involved in the rebuilding to be carried out in phases.
Refer to the following website (Japanese only) for further details.
What ordinances or regulations are such restrictions based on and at what height are the restrictions set in meters? Please provide specific information including Scenic District relevance.
• A-7 district (rugby facility): 55 m
• A-8-a district (mixed-use building B): 80 m
• A-8-c district (mixed-use building C): 185 m
• A-9 district (office building): 190 m
• A-10 district (new baseball stadium / cultural exchange facility): 60 m
[Relevance to Scenic District]
With some of these areas having been designated as Scenic Districts, under the Tokyo Scenic District Ordinance it is deemed that “certain conditions imposed on the construction of buildings do not apply if it has been duly recognized that effective measures are being implemented to maintain scenic beauty with respect to the site of the building, and furthermore if it has been recognized that the building’s location, size, format, design, building coverage ratio, and floor area ratio are not significantly discordant with the size and format of the building’s site and also not discordant with the building’s site and area of land in the vicinity” (excerpt from Article 5, Paragraph 5 of the Tokyo Scenic District Ordinance).
Moreover, the Standards for Examination of Permits Pursuant to Scenic District Ordinance specify Scenic District area classifications and stipulate requirements for selecting classifications of each area. Accordingly under such standards, areas slated for construction of sports facilities and mixed-use buildings in such districts (Shinjuku City: S-(c) Area; Minato City: S Area) are “areas warranting special designation as districts subject to application of public urban development methods; and such areas may be further classified to ensure consistency with public urban development methods, etc.” In addition, according to a separate table of the Standards for Examination of Permits Pursuant to Scenic District Ordinance, buildings may be subject to less stringent height requirements within the scope of the Operational Standards for District Plan that Designates Redevelopment Promotion Districts. The maximum heights of buildings and other such structures have been set as listed above under the District Plan based on such regulations.
Meanwhile, the office building is not subject to application of the Scenic District Ordinance because it is located outside the Scenic District.
Also, why was the individual execution approach chosen?
Given that there are fewer than five landowners, the redevelopment does not meet requirements for establishment of an urban redevelopment association. It accordingly enlists the approach of individual execution by unanimous consent whereby the project proceeds per consent of all rights holders.
The Jingu Gaien District faces various challenges. For instance, major renovations are needed given that more than a half century has passed since sports facilities were built in the district. Moreover, open spaces for relaxation are lacking, pedestrian flow between facilities is poor, and pedestrian pathways are not adequately barrier-free.
As such, the objective of the redevelopment project is to address such issues while at the same time establishing secure, safe and attractive settings for visitors by creating a world-class sports cluster offering coordinated use of various facilities.
This urban redevelopment project enlists plans to fully leverage distinctive characteristics of the area around the official web site. This will entail developing large plazas, improving disaster resiliency by having the location serve as a wide-area evacuation site, and upgrading sports facilities that have been subject to deterioration. We will also seek to limit capacities particularly with respect to the vicinity of the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees, the new baseball stadium and the new rugby facility from the perspective of preserving scenic views and landscapes overlooking the picture gallery, and from the perspective of creating spacious visual aesthetics in the vicinity of Central Plaza. We will furthermore seek to promote urban redevelopment in an integrated manner by seeking to achieve intensive use of land for offices, commercial space, hotels and other such establishments along Aoyama Street and Stadium Street.
Please access this website page for details regarding current issues and future plans.
What will be the operational approach for the Central Plaza?
• Office building: (Land) Itochu Corporation; (Building) Itochu Corporation
• Mixed-use building A: (Land) Meiji Jingu; (Building) Mitsui Fudosan
• Mixed-use building B: (Land) Meiji Jingu; (Building) Mitsui Fudosan
• New rugby facility: (Land and building) JSC
• New baseball stadium complex: (Land) Meiji Jingu; (Building, baseball stadium) Meiji Jingu; (Land) Meiji Jingu; (Building, hotel) Mitsui Fudosan
• Cultural exchange facility: (Building) Mitsui Fudosan; (Land) Meiji Jingu
• Tennis courts: (Building and land) Meiji Jingu
Details regarding the operational approach subsequent to project completion have yet to be determined. It is envisaged that the Central Plaza will serve as an open plaza space where the general public will be able to engage in a variety of activities such as exercising, relaxing, and strolling. It is designed with water supply, water drainage, and electrical facilities to enable use for sports and other events.
Given that the nearby residents are deemed interested persons pursuant to the Religious Corporations Act, can you disclose financial details such maintenance and management expenses?
Pursuant to Article 25, Paragraph 3 of the Religious Corporations Act, we will respect the freedom and autonomy of religious corporations while simultaneously adhering to the understanding that exceptional access to information may be permitted only upon having deemed that a believer or other interested person has legitimate interests and not unjustifiable grounds for such access. We deem that nearby residents do not qualify as interested persons and have accordingly determined that they do not meet other requirements for information access. This interpretation aligns with the legislative intent of the Religious Corporations Act and has been applied in subsequent administrative interpretations.
Regarding the new rugby facility, the Japan Sport Council has announced that the facility development cost will be roughly ¥53.8 billion and the consideration for stadium operating rights (30 years) will be approximately ¥45.3 billion (both including tax, as of November 2022). However, we will refrain from providing information about the cost of other buildings and projected profits.
Are these the type of development activities that need a permit?
Assessment results of Jingu Gaien District park and urban redevelopment plan (Japanese only): https://www.toshiseibi.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/bosai/toshi_saisei/saisei07_06.htm
Moreover, the project for renewal of the site in front of the picture gallery does not require a development permit based on ordinances and enforcement regulations concerning protection and recovery of nature in Tokyo. Whereas the plan does not contain details that would require a permit for development activities based on the City Planning Act at this point in time, the project will proceed with appropriate procedures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations as the design process deepens, including the changes made to certain aspects of the plan released in September 2024.
Will the redevelopment project align with requirements set by the Ministry of Education?
As such, plans call for updating the facility as part of the project for the sake of ensuring continued operation of Jingu Stadium well into the future. In addition, the appearance and structure of Meiji Jingu will undergo change, passing on the legacy of Jingu Stadium into the future will serve an indispensable role in protecting and maintaining Meiji Jingu.
How do long unused areas fit into the redevelopment project?
The pre-existing unused area of the redevelopment project is centered around the current site of Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium. The redevelopment project is one that entails creating park-like space that anyone is able to enter at any time, and also entails developing shops, cultural exchange facilities, and other such locations available for use even when the rugby facility is not in use.
The Jingu Gaien District has been designated as a city-planned park, but part of the district (an area covering approximately 4.7 hectares, including the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium) has been unused for a long time, and the entire district has issues such as aging sports facilities and a lack of open plaza spaces and pedestrian accessibility. Therefore, we believe that the swift establishment of park features is required and in line with the Park & Urban Redevelopment Plan’s objectives.
In addition, the district is designated as a wide-area evacuation site and is considered important for disaster prevention, so we will work to strengthen and improve the district’s disaster preparedness.
For more information on the Park & Urban Redevelopment Plan, please refer to the following link (Japanese only) from the Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
(https://www.mlit.go.jp/toshi/city/sigaiti/toshi_urbanmainte_tk_000069.html) (Japanese only)
• Office building: Approx. 190 m
• Mixed-use building A: Approx. 185 m
• Mixed-use building B: Approx 80 m
• New rugby facility: Approx. 55 m*
• New baseball stadium: Approx. 60 m
• Cultural exchange facility: Approx. 6 m
Also refer to the briefing materials available on this website for overviews of each facility.
English translation of the material of briefing sessions:
* In September 2024, we announced that the height of the new rugby facility has been changed to approximately 48 meters. We will carry out the various procedures necessary in this regard going forward.
The number of parking spaces for each facility after they have been rebuilt is planned* as follows: The new rugby facility will have approx. 98 spaces, the new baseball stadium approx. 320 spaces (including the hotel), the office building (the new Itochu Corporation Tokyo head office) approx. 320 spaces, mixed-use building A approx. 205 spaces and mixed-used building B approx. 80 spaces.
* Plan as of the time of public notice regarding project implementation approval in February 2023
Moreover, going forward the managers of each facility will consider operational methods for parking spaces at each facility.
For instance, the redevelopment project seeks to enable the site to persist by carrying out in phases reconstruction of deteriorating facilities such as Jingu Stadium and the rugby facility, while also seeking to establish lively spaces that people are able to visit even when no sports competitions or other events have been scheduled. To such ends, the project seeks to improve sports functions in part by introducing liveliness, relaxation and interaction functions, and by providing increased opportunities for activities. From the perspective of the legacy associated with the Olympic and Paralympic Games, we intend to engage in efforts that include making sports facilities barrier-free and expanding wheelchair spectator seating based on the latest barrier-free and universal design knowledge gained with respect to Olympic and Paralympic-related facilities.
For further details, refer to section “6.1 Purpose of the project” on page 15 of the environmental impact assessment report, below.
Environmental impact assessment report (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235702.pdf
Meanwhile, changes to the urban planning park area gained urban planning approval by the City Planning Council on March 10, 2022.
Also, please tell us what kind of laws and regulations require approval and authorization for the development activities described above.
It is also necessary to comply with various related laws and regulations such as the City Planning Act, Urban Renewal Act, Building Standards Act, Scenic District Ordinance, Road Traffic Act, and the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing.
We will proceed with the appropriate procedures while confirming the relevant laws and regulations as the design of each facility progresses.
Jingu Stadium was built 98 years ago and Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium was built 77 years ago, they are quite problematic from aging and barrier-free perspectives. The facilities need to be made new to make money to firmly protect the Naien greenery.
- Based on the issue of a lack of open spaces for relaxation that are accessible to all, while preserving historical scenery such as the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees, we will increase greenery and open spaces.
- Based on the issue of aging large-scale sports facilities, we will create a world-class sports cluster, which will be achieved by renovating, in sequence, the aging sports facilities, and by implementing this renewal in due consideration of continued hosting of sports events.
- Based on the issue of poor pedestrian access in the area, we will promote the development of a new park complex that represents Tokyo, with barrier-free access to each facility and where various visitors can move around safely and have fun during events.
- Based on the issue of the necessity of maintaining and improving function as a wide-area evacuation site, we will improve disaster preparedness as a wide-area evacuation site by linking urban functions with open spaces such as plazas and large-scale sports facilities.
Please understand that we are unable to provide details about the content of individual contracts.
How many will be removed?
Trees that will hinder the development work of each facility will be transplanted as a general rule. Meanwhile, those trees which tree doctors find difficult to transplant in view of the tree’s state of growth will be removed. For the entire project area, 619 tall trees are expected to be removed. Additionally, trees that require removal will be put to optimal utilization with attention to the environment.
* Please see the release of September 2024 for specific details.
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project”
Also, how many years will it take for the site to return to its original state?
Meanwhile, the volume of greenery has been calculated within the scope of the environmental impact assessment report, excluding the picture gallery front lawn area, and will be decreased by approximately 14,818㎥ cubic meters to 331,466㎥ subsequent to project completion from 346,284㎥ currently. It has been calculated based on the green space area multiplied by plant community height (average tree height for a respective area with a large amount of greenery).
The decrease in greenery volume is largely attributable to a lower height of newly planted trees. The greenery volume is bound to increase to a certain extent as the height of the trees increases with their growth. Moreover, we will continue to implement appropriate management and cultivation practices with respect to both preserved and transplanted existing trees as well as newly created green spaces, thereby accommodating a diverse range of tree species as is the current practice. This will result in more greenery volume and formation of abundant woodlands over the next century. However, we have not conducted specific estimates of the recovery period.
Please refer to the relevant pages of the environmental impact assessment report submitted in January 2023 (pages 359 and 360 via the link below) for specific details on greenery volume.
Biology/Ecosystem (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235712.pdf
Meanwhile, greenery volume figures revised in response to suggestions and advice from the City Planning Council regarding the green landscaping plan have been made public. The ultimate greenery volume figure is 331,466㎥ (approx. 330,000㎥) relative to the current 346,284㎥.
While tree planting will not be limited to native species, we plan to carefully study the selection of tree species with a focus on native species. We are not considering planting imported foreign-cultivated trees at this time, but if this is an option in future, we will ensure it is carried out legally and appropriately based on the advice of tree doctors and other experts to prevent the concerns you mentioned.
For more information about the species of trees currently being considered for planting, please refer to the following document on the project website.
* The site area subject to the environmental impact assessment covers approximately 17.5 hectares, and, within this area, there were 1,381 trees 3.0 meters or taller as of 2019.
Whereas the project will embrace new concepts of greenery enlisting various green elements such as grass, shrubs, and flowering plants in addition to trees that will grow larger, we will also consider detailed plans going forward in seeking to maintain green spaces that visitors to the site will appreciate.
The 18 ginkgo trees on the section of Minato City road leading up to Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium are owned and managed by Minato City.
Regularly scheduled pruning work is to be conducted jointly and each party is to assume responsibility for proper daily management.
You say that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government owns and manages the two inner rows of gingko trees. What remedial measures is it taking?
We confirmed that new buds sprouted in early spring of 2024 after also sprouting in 2022 and 2023. However, according to gingko tree vitality research conducted by tree doctors and other experts in spring, summer and autumn 2023, the leaves of some ginkgo trees begin to change color as early as June and July. We plan to report the findings of this vitality research in 2023 to the Environmental Impact Assessment Council.
We have been implementing appropriate measures regarding growth of the ginkgo trees based on findings of past vitality research. Details of the most recent remedial measures to restore the vitality of some of the gingko trees on the west side, implemented from April to June 2024, are described in the following release, which can be found on the project website.
“Measures to Remediate the Vitality of Ginkgo Trees (Implemented April–June, 2024)” July 26, 2024
URL: https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/en-jingugaienmachidukuri_news_2024072601.pdf
In seeking to preserve the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees going forward, we will review options with respect to remedial measures and other such actions that will restore the health of the ginkgo trees to their condition even prior to the start of the new baseball stadium construction, based on findings of the research and enlisting feedback from tree doctors and other experts.
We will refrain from providing responses from the developer regarding tree management carried out by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
As such, what initiatives are being implemented to preserve the ginkgo trees?
Based on results of the second root system research, we decided to set the distance from the sidewalk curb of the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees to the underground framework of the new baseball stadium to approximately 18.3 meters (the “Setback Width”), thereby extending the distance by 10.3 meters from approximately 8.0 meters under the original plan. This will provide a better growing environment to preserve the ginkgo trees.
Please refer to the following release for specific details on root system research and Setback Width.
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project”
Going forward, we will proceed with plans for the new baseball stadium taking into account feedback from tree doctors and other experts.
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project”
URL: https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/en-jingugaienmachidukuri_news_2024090901.pdf
Additionally, we plan to investigate the condition of roots about 17 meters away by hand approximately one year prior to the start of construction of the new baseball stadium and cultural exchange facility.
Also, regarding the 19 ginkgo trees along the Minato City road that are under consideration for transplantation, we plan to listen to the opinions of experts, including tree doctors, and to conduct detailed research based on consultation with relevant authorities so we can make a decision on whether to transplant them. Details such as the research methods and timing are under consideration but they will be disclosed along with the research results.
Also, would you explain your decision-making criteria and specific details in that regard, particularly in terms of impediments to transplanting trees?
Under the redevelopment project, a total of 619 trees of a height of 3.0 meters and taller are subject to removal. A breakdown of such removal at the respective sites is as follows.
[23 trees in the vicinity of Kenkoku Kinen Bunko, 46 trees in the vicinity of Jingu No. 2 Stadium, 97 trees in the vicinity of Jingu Stadium, 40 trees in the vicinity of the rugby facility, 108 trees in front of the picture gallery, 7 trees in the vicinity of Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees, etc. (trees other than ginkgo trees), 153 trees in the vicinity of the tennis courts, and 145 trees at the site of the Itochu Corporation Tokyo head office building]
Plans call for removal, preservation, or transplantation of 142 tall trees in the vicinity of Kenkoku Kinen Bunko. This consists of removal of 23 trees, preservation of 75 trees, and transplantation of 44 trees. Whereas details of transplantation plans are under consideration, we primarily intend to ultimately transplant trees to the New Green Zone, which is near Central Plaza. Species of newly planted trees will be determined going forward, with management of the trees appropriately carried out by facility managers and others subsequent to project completion.
Decisions on trees currently located within the zone with respect to the options of preservation, transplantation, or removal, and with respect to the extent of transplantation difficulty, will be made by the project developers based on findings of the aforementioned studies and feedback from tree doctors. Details regarding arrangement of each and every tree have been made available via the project website. For further details, refer to the website link above. We plan to actively make use of trees requiring removal out of necessity.Please refer to the following release for information on the unavoidable reasons for tree removal.
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project (Supplementary Materials)”
Meanwhile, estimates have not been calculated with respect to oxygen release, effects on temperatures, and mortality rates of newly planted trees. However, we will appropriately maintain and manage the newly planted trees based on feedback from tree doctors and other experts, as is the case with trees slated for preservation and transplantation.
When individual tree research was conducted in 2023, results confirmed 79 dead or ailing trees over the four years subsequent to the individual tree research of 2019.
Existing tree survey data (survey / vitality survey of individual trees [2023]) (Japanese only)
The September 2024 revisions aim to make even more sure that the trees are preserved and the decision to make changes also factors in damage including the impact of the construction plan.
In addition, regarding trees and shrubs less than 3.0 meters tall, due to the demolition of Jingu No. 2 Stadium, we have applied for and received permission from Shinjuku City to remove 2,998 trees and shrubs in certain areas of the Scenic District this year in February in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s ordinance. For dense-growth shrubs that are difficult to count, such as azaleas, estimates are calculated based on the area taken up. Although we have not yet calculated the number of trees and shrubs to be removed in the entire district, we will follow the appropriate procedures in accordance with the ordinance for each construction area as we proceed with the plan. Please see the following release for more details, including how shrubs are counted.
Handling of trees in the Scenic District (Japanese only):
The redevelopment project plans to plant more new shrubs than the number removed, which will increase greenery from approximately 25% of the total area to approximately 30% after development. In addition, we will continue to consider ways to utilize trees and shrubs that have been removed.
Through appropriate management and cultivation, we will nurture greenery for the next 100 years.
The environment of the sites for transplanting and temporary transplanting were reported in the follow-up survey report (part 1 and part 2) in accordance with the environmental impact assessment procedures. Trees undergoing root preparation in the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko area will be transplanted to the north side of Kenkoku Kinen Bunko, in front of the picture gallery or in woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki,” or will be temporarily transplanted in the Jingu Gaien tree nursery.
Trees undergoing root preparation around Jingu No. 2 Stadium will be temporarily transplanted to the west side of the new rugby stadium site and in the Jingu Gaien tree nursery. They will also be planted in front of the picture gallery, in woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki,” and around the picture gallery.
In front of the picture gallery and to the west of the new rugby stadium site, we plan to secure a large area for transplanting, where planting soil will be spread as a base for a wide and continuous planting area. In transplantation sites within existing wooded areas (woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki” and the picture gallery), the soil is hard in many places, but the soil environment is of high quality, with good water permeability and biomass decomposition, which will allow the preparation of planting holes with sufficient space for root balls and backfill with a mixture of existing soil and bark compost. The Jingu Gaien tree nursery is located close to the project site. Trees and other plants owned by Meiji Jingu Gaien have been grown and managed in the nursery.
The plan calls for the transplantation of yaezakura (Japanese alpine cherry), momiji (maple), and shirakashi (Japanese white oak) in the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko, and matebashii (Japanese stone oak), shiinoki (Japanese beech), ubamegashi (ubame oak), keyaki (Japanese elm), yamamomo (Japanese bayberry), tokaede (trident maple), shiinoki, fuu (Formosan gum), kunugi (sawtooth oak), kusunoki (camphor), hitotsubatago (Chinese fringetree), and enoki (Japanese hackberry) in front of the picture gallery. In addition, we intend to plant hitotsubatago, shiinoki, karataneogatama (magnolia figo), mokusei (sweet osmanthus), sazanka (camellia sasanqua), mokkoku (ternstroemia gymnanthera), sangoju (sweet viburnum), inugusu (Japanese bay tree), tsubaki (camellia japonica), matebashii, and yamamomo in woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki,” and shiinoki and yamamomo around the picture gallery. Regarding temporary transplanting, we plan to transplant hitotsubatago in the Jingu Gaien tree nursery, and matebashii, shiinoki, keyaki, sangoju, and kobushi (magnolia kobus) at the west side of the new rugby facility site.
We plan to transplant trees already growing in each area to maintain the existing environment at transplant sites, with the exception of the following tree species: inugusu (woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki”), yamamomo (in front of picture gallery, woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki,” and around picture gallery), karataneogatama (woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki”), and kunugi (in front of picture gallery).
For further details on transplant locations, tree species, etc., please refer to the follow-up survey report (part 2), pages 34-37.
For results of the soil environment survey at the transplant sites and temporary transplant sites, please refer to the follow-up survey report (part 1), pages 91-93. (The same information is also available in the follow-up survey report [part 2], pages 314-316).
https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/jingugaienmachidukuri_kankyo_2023070601.pdf (Japanese only)
Through appropriate management and cultivation, we will nurture greenery for the next 100 years.
The environment of the sites for transplanting and temporary transplanting were reported in the follow-up survey report (part 1) in accordance with the environmental impact assessment procedures. The plan involves temporarily transplanting 12 species to the eastern side of the picture gallery site, including Japanese stone oak on the north side and sweetgum on the south side, and 7 species to the west of the new rugby facility site, such as Japanese stone oak and tea olive. A total of 9 species already planted in the transplantation site will be temporarily relocated, such as Chinese fringetree to the east side of the woodland around “Gokanbei Enoki” and Japanese stone oak to the west side.
Temporary relocation of trees before the final transplant is necessary to free up space for construction of the new rugby facility, except for the area where the trees are to be preserved in the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko. The area around the cultural exchange facility and Central Plaza, which is to be the main transplantation site, is currently occupied by Jingu Stadium and other facilities.
Please note that no specific contractor has been pre-determined for future phases of transplantation. We will select a contractor capable of appropriate transplantation based on the policies described in the environmental impact assessment report and follow-up survey plan.
* Detailed information about the condition of the trees in question is provided in the “Remarks” section of the “Survey data on existing trees (Japanese Only)” posted on the project website. The vitality rating is based on an average score of six items, but even if a tree is classified as level A or B, there may be decay on the branches or trunk.
[Survey data on existing trees (Japanese Only)]
In 2022, we conducted an ultrasonic survey, and we will proceed with reporting the survey results and future transplantation plans, including survey methods, at the Environmental Impact Assessment Council.
We do not anticipate any re-transplanting after transplanting the 19 ginkgo trees.
We will proceed with a detailed study and plan for transplantation based on further research and the opinions of tree doctors, while referring to other transplantation cases.
In principle, the transplanted trees will be owned and managed by the owner of the land where they will be transplanted.
We plan to respond in a way to increase the possibility of transplanting to the maximum possible extent and will move forward in the future in discussion with relevant government organizations and the like regarding matters such as the survey timing and methods.
We will also consider optimal utilization of the trees that must be removed, while also paying attention to the environment.
After transplanting, the trees will be regularly monitored by tree doctors, and necessary measures will be taken according to the condition of the trees and reported in a follow-up survey report.
For more information, please refer to p. 48 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Follow-up Survey Report (Construction in Progress Part 1) (Japanese only).
The document “Conservation of Jingu Gaien’s Greenery,” sent out by the Shinjuku City Mayor on April 4, 2023, made the following statement: “If difficulties are encountered in transplanting the trees that have existed since the founding of the Jingu Gaien around the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko, we will work together so that the historical atmosphere of the Jingu Gaien area can be preserved for the future, such as by transplanting the trees to municipally owned land.” However, there is currently no plan to transplant trees outside the Jingu Gaien area. We will continue to discuss this with administrative agencies as necessary.
While the Inner Garden’s forest grows naturally and renews itself without human intervention, the trees in the Outer Garden which are the subject of the redevelopment project grow along with public use and are maintained and managed by human hands to protect the safety of visitors. There are many old trees in the Outer Garden, and over the past 15 years, approximately 300 dead or ailing trees have been removed and approximately 600 trees replanted. In addition, more than 50 tall trees have fallen due to typhoons and snowfall during this period, and broken branches and other problems must be frequently dealt with in daily management.
The redevelopment project therefore makes the safety of visitors its top priority and will also renew the greenery for the next 50 and 100 years.
In the redevelopment project, the green zone on the east side of the rows of ginkgo trees, which has the largest amount of greenery in the area, will be preserved, and the trees planted in the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko and other areas will be preserved or transplanted as much as possible, while all Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees will be preserved.
We are conducting the Reiwa Tree Donation Program as one of the initiatives for citizens who agree with and wish to participate in our efforts to create new greenery for the next 100 years. Details can be found on the Reiwa Tree Donation Program official site. https://gaien-midori-project.jp/ (Japanese only)
After construction is completed, the managers of each facility will take over the responsibility to manage them appropriately.
What are your thoughts on the view that “Kenkoku Kinen Bunko is not a forest”?
We are aware that Kenkoku Kinen Bunko is called “Kenkoku Kinen Bunko forest” by some people, but since its establishment, it has been recognized as a green space where Kenkoku Kinen works are located. The site area of Kenkoku Kinen Bunko (approx. 5,000 m2) is approximately 1.7% of the total project area (approx. 28.4 hectares), and differs from the large forested area of Meiji Jingu Naien, which is naturally renewed without human intervention.
The design plans for the tennis courts in front of the picture gallery and the plaza in front of the picture gallery are underway, and as with the new rugby facility, further consideration is being given to the preservation and handling of existing trees, and will be announced as soon as they are finalized.
Going forward, we will continue to consider the further preservation and handling of existing trees in areas other than the plaza in front of the picture gallery, and any changes will be announced appropriately on the project website and through other means after taking the necessary procedures required by laws and regulations.
→September 9 postscript: The proposed revisions above have been disclosed in the following release dated September 9, 2024.
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project”
“Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery in the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project (Supplementary Materials)”
As stated in the terms of agreement in the donation application procedures, there are no plans to offer preferential treatment, such as participation in events, to those who make donations.
* Jingu Gaien has been properly maintained and managed through human labor over the years to reach its current state, and its trees have been replaced over the course of its history. Many of the trees have weakened with age, as well as damage inflicted by past facility renewals and natural disasters. To ensure the safety of visitors, daily measures are being taken to deal with fallen trees and broken branches. Over the past 15 years, approximately 300 dead or ailing trees have been cut down for the safety of passing vehicles and pedestrians, and approximately 600 trees have been replanted.
Meanwhile, 44 of the 99 Japanese zelkova trees, which are over 10 meters tall and believed to be over 100 years old, are to be cut down, as well as 50 of the 73 Himalayan cedar trees.
I believe these trees are being cut down because they are obstructive trees that will interfere with the construction of the facilities. Is that correct?
Can you develop a plan to avoid the removal of these trees, which have been growing at the site continuously since the Edo period. In addition, for the purposes of transparency, we would like a clear record of all the trees to be removed.
Regarding the species of trees to be removed and the handling of the hitotsubatago trees, out of a total of 70 trees, 45 will be preserved, 20 transplanted, and 5 removed (including 2 dead trees), with the majority of trees to be preserved or transplanted, as stated in the existing tree survey data (survey / vitality survey of individual trees [2023]) available on the official website (Japanese only).
Also, is it possible for regular people to receive some of this wood?
However, we remove trees deemed not viable for transplantation and trees not likely to maintain healthy tree growth and shape after transplantation because of unavoidable reasons such as “designation as a priority control invasive alien species,” “proximity to existing facilities preventing necessary preparation for transplantation,” or “weak tree vitality.”
Removed trees are being handled following consideration of appropriate ways of using them that take into account environmental factors. The environmental impact assessment report describes “there will be active consideration of appropriate ways of using the removed trees that takes into account environmental factors. Uses could include creating benches and commemorative goods, or making wood walkways, fertilizer or woodchips.” Specific ways that the trees will be used are currently under consideration, and any decisions will be disclosed through the official website and other channels.
Impact on the natural environment
Please refer to the relevant pages of the environmental impact assessment report for surveys, forecasts, and evaluations related to waste and greenhouse gases.
Waste (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235719.pdf
Greenhouse gases (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235720.pdf
Other factors will be reported in the follow-up survey report in the environmental impact assessment procedures, and will also be made public on the official web site.
Biological ecosystem (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235712.pdf
Our plan is to preserve as many trees in the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko as possible, either by leaving them where they are or transplanting them, but some will be transplanted or removed because they are located on the site where the new rugby facility is to be built. The transplanted trees will mainly be located in the new wooded area around the Central Plaza. Newly planted trees will be placed to restore a cohesive plant community with a hierarchical structure around the Kenkoku Kinen Bunko. For more details, please refer to p. 346 and other pages of the environmental impact assessment report posted on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s website.
Biological ecosystem (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235712.pdf
[17 SDGs targets] 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
[Initiatives in the redevelopment project]
・Use of renewable energy through the installation of solar power generation equipment, etc.
・Energy conservation through the use of DHC
[17 SDGs targets] 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
[Initiatives in the redevelopment project]
・Use of sports facilities and open spaces as a disaster prevention facilities in times of emergency
・Promotion of interaction among visitors by holding events at the Central Plaza and other facilities
・The plaza in front of the picture gallery is to be developed into a potential site for emergency helicopter takeoff and landing
[17 SDGs targets] 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
[Initiatives in the redevelopment project]
・Reduction of waste and reuse of resources during waste collection and disposal
・Appropriate waste collection and disposal for large-scale events
For details, please refer to the environmental impact assessment report available on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s official website (Japanese only ).
As part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s environmental impact assessment procedures, a briefing session on the draft of the environmental impact assessment was held in August 2021 for relevant communities*. However, we are unable to answer questions about individual responses to the draft assessment.
* The development project’s relevant communities have been determined by the Governor of Tokyo in accordance with Article 49 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance. These communities are as follows:
Minato City: Kita-Aoyama 1-chome, Kita-Aoyama 2-chome, Kita-Aoyama 3-chome, Minami Aoyama 1-chome, Minami Aoyama 2-chome, Minami Aoyama 3-chome, Minami Aoyama 4-chome, Moto-Akasaka 2-chome, Akasaka 8-chome
Shibuya City: Sendagaya 1-chome, Sendagaya 2-chome, Sendagaya 3-chome, Sendagaya 6-chome, Jingumae 2-chome, Jingumae 3-chome, Jingumae 4-chome
Shinjuku City: Kasumigaoka-cho, Shinanomachi, Minami-Motomachi, Daikyo-cho, Naitomachi
Disaster preparedness
The Jingu Gaien District and the surrounding area have been designated as an evacuation site by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Earthquake Disasters Countermeasures to protect people in the area from fires that may spread in the event of an earthquake. The site is planned to accommodate 80,983 people as of July 2022, and the effective evacuation area per person is 4.37 m2/person. As a developer, we anticipate that the area will be large enough to accommodate an estimated additional 13,000 people using the evacuation site during the daytime.
In addition, we envision that buildings such as the new sports facilities and mixed-use buildings may be used as a temporary shelter for people who are unable to return to their homes. These facilities will be designed to accommodate people for up to 72 hours after a disaster occurs.
(2) Temporary shelters for people unable to return home when a disaster strikes
Under the redevelopment project plan, we plan to prepare space to accommodate approximately 5,000 people within the entire area of approximately 9,000 m2, as well as a disaster stockpile warehouse, and plan to provide water and blankets to people unable to return home who are there temporarily.
Furthermore, we plan for buildings such as the new sports facilities and mixed-use buildings to be used as temporary shelters for up to 72 hours after a disaster occurs.
Since the Jingu Gaien District and the surrounding area have been designated as an evacuation site by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Earthquake Disasters Countermeasures to protect people in the area from fires that may spread in the event of an earthquake, we anticipate that people in the surrounding urban area outside the official web site will use open spaces such as the plaza for temporary evacuation. In addition, since the official web site is close to a subway station and there may be people who are unable to return to their homes in the event of an earthquake, we anticipate that buildings will be used as temporary shelters for such people.
In designing each facility, we will pay sufficient attention to ensure the safety of all facility users and those passing through, even in the event of a disaster.
Even in the case of service level B, there is only a slight limitation in free walking, and the predicted results show no safety concerns.
In addition, about improving disaster preparedness, as you have pointed out, it is one of the important purposes of the redevelopment project, and our response is provided on the project website, as well as here in this Q&A. In the interview in this media report as well, it was explained how improving disaster preparedness was one of the purposes of the project, but the broadcaster ultimately decides what to air. Based in part on what you have pointed out, we will provide information so that there is a firm understanding of improving disaster preparedness going forward.
Community information session
Please provide an explanation of the project for the wider public.
The information session is held at our discretion and is not enforced by any ordinance. We determined the approximate scope to include those living in the area from the redevelopment official web site’s outer boundary to the distance twice the maximum building height (approximately 190 meters) in the project area. This scope was set with reference to past examples of general construction briefings and briefings for Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Special Urban Revitalization District proposals.
The venue for the information session was determined after confirming the availability and size of several venues in the vicinity of the official web site. Of the approximately 13,000 households in the project area, a total of 381 people attended.
For those who were unable to attend the information session, a video of the same content presented at the session is available on this project website. Please watch the video, and if you have any questions, feel free to use this question form.
Also, I have misgivings particularly given that the project involves use of taxpayer funds yet confirming the desires of residents is not a priority, and also given that the project involves construction of high-rise buildings. I am apprehensive regarding the notion that the project gives precedence to politicians with vested interests who are engaging in administrative practices and allocating budgets in a manner that disregards the future of residents.
When it comes to engaging with residents, the developers have held a total of nine briefing sessions thus far as required for urban planning procedures stipulated under ordinances and other rules, along with discretionary briefing sessions*1. They have also been providing individual explanations for local community associations, schools and other such entities upon request.
Additionally, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has established a task force consisting of academic experts and government officials under its “Guidelines for the Urban Redevelopment of the Jingu Gaien District in the post-Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Era.” The guidelines serve as a master plan superseding the redevelopment plan and were drawn up taking into account feedback provided by Tokyo residents through a call for comments from the general public. Moreover, we act in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance in making proposed environmental impact assessment reports available for public inspection and seeking feedback on such content, seeking feedback from the public by holding forums to solicit input from Tokyo residents, and releasing written opinion and views of project developers regarding such content.
Also, in striving as project developers to ensure that an extensive audience gains an understanding of the redevelopment plan, we have equipped the project website with a question submission page. The website enables the general public to submit questions regarding the redevelopment project and enables them to access views of the project developers, which we release regularly*2.
*1. Please see the following release dated May 29, 2024, for details regarding results of briefing sessions and other such forums.
*2. As of July 12, 2024, we have provided responses to a total of 427 questions.
Also, do these briefings contribute to gaining the residents’ understanding?
The content of the briefing was identical to the press release issued on September 9, 2024. For more information, please refer to these materials:
(1) Informational Video about the Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project (video released July 1, 2024)
Briefing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lXb-OTeVMs
(2) Video on Further Measures to Preserve Trees and New Measures to Create Greenery (video released September 9, 2024)
Briefing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8gKGMprdLE
(3) Supplementary Explanation of Press Release Content (published September 11, 2024)
Official website: https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/en/
(4) Responses to Opinions and Questions Regarding Revised Proposal (published September 27, 2024 [Japanese only]):
URL: https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/jingugaienmachidukuri_news_2024092702.pdf
Details of the Q&A session on the day of the briefing are also available at the link below. (Japanese only)
URL: https://www.jingugaienmachidukuri.jp/pdf/jingugaienmachidukuri_news_2024100901.pdf
Since September 9, 2024, as one of the developers, we have been widely disseminating the press release through the media to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. The release and an explanatory video were also published on the official website. As before, responses will be provided to any questions and opinions regarding the content of the release submitted via the official website or to the Jingu Gaien District Redevelopment Project Planning Office.
Additionally, we also consider holding individual briefings at the request of local schools (including PTAs), local assemblies, and community associations, so please contact the Project Planning Office to make such a request.
We will continue to provide information concerning the project and work to gain the understanding of stakeholders by listening and responding to opinions and questions like this, providing individual briefings, and other methods.
Miscellaneous questions / Glossary
The town management organization planned for this district will be led by business operators and landowners and will promote activities to create an attractive town by taking advantage of features such as large-scale sports facilities and open spaces. As part of these activities, we are planning to hold interactive events that will help people become familiar with Jingu Gaien, and we hope that such events will enable a wider range of people to enjoy the new Jingu Gaien. Details of these activities will be announced through this website and other means.
Information Desk,
Jingu Gaien District Urban Redevelopment Project Planning Office
TEL 03-6695-0539
We expect the town management organization to actively be involved both on a regular basis as well as during times of disaster and when events are held. We would like to invite local residents to participate in certain activities, depending on the content, such as community events.
As we believe that the redevelopment project holds great significance, we have been advancing the project in accordance with the appropriate procedures. Since the project has already been approved, it may be difficult to make major changes, such as those involving the layout and size of buildings. However, we will continue to consider ways to improve the development in light of administrative guidance and the opinions of the public.The operational phase environmental impact assessment procedures have been completed, and based on the environmental impact assessment report, we will continue to report to and discuss with the general meeting of the Council and other relevant organizations while proceeding with the project in an appropriate manner.
In September 2024, we released proposed revisions of facility design plans and other aspects of furthermore ensuring preservation of trees. Please see the following release for details regarding the proposed revisions.
The developers’ failure to take decisive action has escalated the situation, resulting in petitions gathering many signatures.
As one of the developers, how will you respond to this situation?
How can its liveliness benefit the citizens?
Please explain in detail.
Currently, many people visit the large-scale sports facilities and other buildings. However, the redevelopment project aims to transform the entire area into more versatile facilities and spaces and revitalize it as a place where many people can relax and visit even when events are not being held at the large-scale sports facilities.
It is also difficult to imagine the landscape from a pedestrian’s perspective (eye level), especially the view when walking through the Four Rows of Ginkgo Trees and the view from Aoyama-dori Avenue overlooking the picture gallery.
Can you show us an illustration of the completed project that is easy for everyone to understand?
In addition, the environmental impact assessment report forecasts and evaluates the future landscape image using a collage of current photos taken at eye level and other presentation methods. For details, please refer to the relevant section of the environmental impact assessment report available on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s website.
Visual impact (Japanese only): https://assess-toshokohyo.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/uploads/web_public/357_jinngugaien/06/06202235716.pdf
What will happen to the trees along Shinjuku City road?
What will happen to the Minato City road at the entrance to the rugby facility?
The Minato City road between the Jingu Gaien Tennis Club and the Prince Chichibu Memorial Rugby Stadium will be closed and replaced by the new baseball stadium.
Please refer to the following release dated September 9, 2024, for further tree preservation proposals as well as details with respect to tree doctors and other experts who provided opinions in the course of exploring options for proposals on preserving trees.
In addition, we are taking steps to ensure that potentially misleading information is correctly understood through press releases, this Q&A, and other means. We will continue our efforts to ensure greater understanding and support from more people in the future.
“This form is managed by Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd., the representative developer of the project, solely for the purpose of implementing the project. Please be advised that your questions may be shared with other business entities involved in the project (Meiji Jingu Religious Corporation, Japan Sport Council, Itochu Corporation), government agencies, and consultants for the same purpose.”
Based on the above, we share questions and comments received via the question submission form in full with the other businesses, examine their responses and upload them to the website.
We also share relevant questions with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Shinjuku City, and Minato City as necessary.
If you want to save a copy of your filled-in form, you can also do so by signing in to Microsoft 365 and clicking the “回答を保存する (Save Response)” button on the completion page.
We also encourage you to watch our explanatory video showcasing further measures being taken to preserve trees, released on September 9, 2024.
Answers to questions concerning the environmental impact of factors such as shade, wind, and noise in this project can be found within this QA.
you can search for specific terms within the Q&A page using "Ctrl+F" on a PC or the in-page search function on a smartphone.